Wednesday 29 February 2012

‘Harbiyar Marri to be tried for murder of Justice Nawaz Marri’

Earlier its mentioned that Baloch youth concit deciede to move ICJ against Harbyiyar mari. Now they also decide to file a case of the murder of Justice Mohammad Nawaz Marri.

London - Declaring to file a case of the murder of Justice Mohammad Nawaz Marri against Harbiyar Marri, the Baloch Youth Council London said a senior Indian diplomat had recently organised a meeting between Harbiyar Marri and Barahamdagh Bugti to remove their misunderstanding.

Addressing a meeting of the Central Council of Baloch Youth, Chairman Waja Mir Hazar Khan Baloch said during the meeting, Barahmdagh Bugti alleged that the person behind taking his grand father late Nawab Akbar Bugti to the cave was Balach Marri, brother of Harbiyar Marri. He said the cave came down due to a blast by remote control and Balach Marri was standing just outside the cave art the time.

Baloch said an officer of Indian intelligence agency RAW was also present in the meeting between the two rebel leaders.

He said the Indian diplomat and intelligence officers persuaded both Baloch leaders to reach an understanding for a bigger cause and according to their information, Harbiyar wanted full independence to form a government in exile to which Baramdagh did not agree, because he claimed that he was an international leader. Baloch added that no one paid attention to the two Baloch self-styled leaders, so why was the Pakistani media giving them undue coverage. He said they were RAW agents and were fighting the war for their survival at the cost of the Baloch nation. He said how could a person who thronged night clubs in London and spoke against Islam become their leader.

Baloch said Interior Minister Rehman Malik could not decide the destiny of the Baloch people.

<Pakistan Today>

Rs 100,000 each to 19 gold medalist students of BUITEMS

BUITEMS: Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Sciences 

Governor Balochistan Nawab Zulfiqar Ali Magsi distributed checques of Rs 100,000 each to 19 gold medalist students of Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Sciences during a ceremony held here at Governor House on Tuesday.

BITEMS Vice Chancellor Engineer Ahmed Farooq Bazai and other academicians of the varsity were also present on the occasion.


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Balochistan: Kya Ye Bhi Haqiqat Nahi By Ansar Abbasi

Earlier we see a statement form Muhabbat Khan Mari, that People of Balochistan want freedom from Sardars , In below column, Ansar abasi mentioning the lack of responsibility of Baloch sardars and Baloch leaders. 
What they delivered during their govt days, are they ready for their accountability? are they going to change their old behavior?

Monday 27 February 2012

Chief Secretary Mir Ahmed Bakhsh Lehri inaugurated auditorium at BUETK

Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology Khuzdar (BUETK) is one of the leading engineering universities of the province of Balochistan. It is situated in the city Khuzdar, a district of Balochistan.  
Previous day,Cheif Sercruity Balochistan, Mir Ahmed Bukhs Lehri Inaugurated the auditorium of BUETK. During the ceremony he said:

Saturday 25 February 2012

15,000 Balochistan youth to be recruited as teachers

Islamabad—The Federal Government will provide employment to 15,000 young graduates and post graduates from Balochistan under Prime Minister Internship Programme. These interns will work as school teacher in the province and will be given Rs. 15,000 per month internship stipend. The basic objective of internship programme is to promote education in the Balochistan and provide jobs to the unemployed educated youth.

Minister for Interior Rehman Malik, who is heading a committee to review implementation process of Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e- Balochistan, has said that the development of province was the top priority of government and all resources would be utilized for the prosperity of its people. He said the Federal Government would release Rs. 4 billion to WAPDA on account of its share of subsidy for the farmers of Balochistan.

Moreover, 2400 Federal Government jobs would be filled on merit with the assistance of Members of National Assembly (MNAs) and Senators from Balochistan. He also said to encourage representation of Balochistan Government officials at the federal level any officer coming to Islamabad on deputation, will be awarded one step higher post.

It has also been decided to double the number of Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) beneficiaries from 375,000 to 750,000. Federal Levis Force will also be increased through fresh recruitment (present strength is 3500), he said, adding that free education to current 150 brilliant students from Balochistan will be increased to 500 in the next academic year and endowment fund of Rs. 5 billion will be created for its sustainability.

The Capital Development Authority (CDA) will give a suitable plot to the Balochistan Government for construction of one student hostel and one officers hostel in Islamabad to resolve housing problems of students and officers from the province. Rehman Malik further said that no check post would be established by FC in the province without the permission of Chief Minister Balochistan. FC and Coast Guard will exercise powers under Custom Act and strictly in accordance with law and keep their deployment restricted to 10 km of the international border.

<Pakistan Observer>

Creating Job Opportunities in Balochistan

A column already mentioned about the failure of Provisional govt in maintianing law & order issue.

An editorial of Daily Balochistan express mentioning the failure of Provinsionl govt in providing jobs, and mentioning who the govt is wasting the money .

Six universities and hundreds of colleges all over Balochistan are producing tens of thousands of graduates and post graduates annually with the hope to get suitable job on merit. But the Government is yet to come to the right expectations of the job seekers in general. On the contrary, the Government had failed to announce the second phase of recruitment after recruiting 5000 school teachers a few years ago. The Federal Government pledged to provide tens of thousands of jobs to the jobless Baloch youth and it failed to fulfil the promise to this date. However, there are few vacancies announced by different Federal Government Department for Balochistan. similarly, the Provincial Government has also plan to recruit thousands of young men in the Balochistan Constabulary and Balochistan Levies to make up the shortfall in the law enforcing agencies.
Balochistan received huge funds under the NFC Award and all the money are going waste as it were placed at the disposal of Ministers and without planning. The money is being spent on building small gutters and nullahs or erecting gates in different localities of Quetta and there is no massive plan to exploit the available resources to boost the baloch economy in a big way. Similarly, the Government had not prepared a systematic plan to construct a decent infrastructure for future development. Again, the funds is being placed at the disposal of the Balochistan Development Authority which is again going waste as no Government Department is ready to take over the schemes completed by the BDA for the reasons that official specifrications are not strictly followed. Thus all the schemes BDA completed in the recent past had gone waste and the Ministers and officials should be held responsible and accountable for wasting national wealth.
There are very few sectors on which the indigenous population strictly depends for economic returns. They are Livestock, Agriculture, Fisheries, Forests, Mineral Wealth and Irrigation. It is an irony that these sectors are completely ignored by the Ministers and officials for obvious reasons that there are less chances to get kick backs and commission. Livestock is the backbnone of the Baloch rural economy and it had never received priority for the past six decades, particularly after the Government introduced yearly planning. More than 70 per cent rural population partially depend on the Livestock and particularly Dairy products for supplement to their food. In fact, for the past 25 years, Livestock Department had been reduced to a mere salary distributing Department to its employees. Same is the case with the Fisheries on the 1200 kilometers long coastline where a few million spent on salaries. All the development programmes are financed by the donors. However, the money allocated for building jetties and fish harbours had been embezzled massively and less than five per cent spent by the Ministers in the past. Fisheries got the potentials to meet the protein requirements of the entire nation and also earn a couple of billions of dollars from export by developing the Seafood industry. Agriculture has the potentials for massive development as Balochistan has 20 million acres of cultivable land which is highly fertile. By bringing the land under cultivation, Balochistan can become the food and fruit basket of the whole region, to say the least. At the same time, there are 50 major and medium size seasonal rivers carrying floos and rainwaters to the Arabian Sea or to the Hamuns in Kharan, Chagai and Pamjgur. The massive flood can be stored by building dams and water storage facilities in all the five ecological zone of Balochistan.
All these massive development projects will ensure job for every one making the Province prosperous and develop comparing with other provinces. The Government should stop wasting money or additional funds from NFC and use it for building the baloch economy on more solid grounds ensuring prosperity and progress in all the regions on Balochistan.

Friday 24 February 2012

Baloch Youth Council to move ICJ against Herbyar Marri for bloodshed

London  - Chairman Baloch Youth Council, Mir Hazar Khan Baloch has announced that the Council would move the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Baloch separatist leader Herbyar Marri who is involved in the killing of innocent and poor Balochis and Punjabis.
In a statement issued here, he said that Baloch Sardars were fond of telling lies but they could not continue with it, adding, that the Sardars were rubbing salt into the wounds of Baloch people. Baloch said that Khair Bux Marri, father of Herbyar Marri, ended his self exile during Nawaz Sharif government and returned to Balochistan in a military aircraft.  He said Marri, upon his arrival purchased expensive vehicles and exploited Baloch nation. Mir Hazar Khan advised Herbyar Marri to bring change first in his own family as his elder brother was a leader of Muslim League and the other was a friend of PPP chief.  ‘How come they bring change as they all are usurpers’, he remarked.  He said that the Baloch nation was aware of Sardars character.  He said that Sardar Akhtar Mengal’s group Laskhar-e-Balochistan was involved in killing of innocent people in Khuzdar district and looting of buses on national highway.

<The Nation>

Earlier, Muhabbat Khan Mari Claimed that People of Balochistan want freedom from Sardars

Balochistan poor condition is because of America: Humayun Kurd

There are  Baloch leaders who not only condemning American congress resolution, but also condemning america for using Balochistan issue for its personal war game. Hamayour Kurd is also one of those leader did not like amercian`s this step:


Thursday 23 February 2012

Khan Muhammad Baloch at Gwadar Institute of Technology

 The lack of technical and vocational education was the major cause of backwardness in the province and poverty and unemployment of the local people. Gwadar Institute of Technology is established by Army with the investment of Balochistan Government, to provide technical education to the local youth.

Previous day, a cermonyw as held at Gwadar Institute of Technology, in which District Educational officer, Khan Muhammad Baloch address to the ceremony:

Wednesday 22 February 2012

People of Balochistan want freedom from Sardars: Muhabbat Khan Mari

As a US lawmaker tabled bill in the House of Representatives, espousing self-determination for Balochistan, Pakistani media has been airing string of programmes and holding debates on the issue with several Baloch leaders sharing their views on how to redress the miseries of people of Pakistan’s southwestern province.

In an interview with a local Urdu daily published here on Tuesday, senior Baloch leader and provincial minister Muhabbat Khan Mari has said that Baloch separatist leaders were responsible for all the problems facing the people of Balochistan. He says it seems absolutely ridiculous when Baloch Sardars like Attaulluh Mengal, Akhtar Mengal, Nawab Khair Bux Mari, Barhamdagh Bugti and Herbyar Mari speak about rights of Balochis as they were who exploited the nation.

He said had there been people support for Herbyar Mari, there would have been his influence in at least three Tehseels of the province.

Muhabbat Mari claims only five percent of people have been supporting the separatists.
He says every Baloch child is ready to shed his last drop of blood for Pakistan.

When asked to elaborate situation in Kohlu district, deemed as stronghold of separatists, he said on the one side there were 180 million people of Pakistan while on the other hand only handful of terrorists and still the government of Pakistan seemed to be failed in controlling the miscreants.  “Seeking separation is not new for this Sardars,” he said and added Khair Bux Mari lived in Russia for 20 years while his son Herbyar Mari had also been living in Europe. “They have no influence in Kohlu district despite they offered Rs10, 000 to jobless youth to join them,” he said. Mr Mari added that he knew financial status of Mari separatist Sardars and they could not purchase weapons. “Now they are having weapons and living in expensive cities like London.How come deprived Balochs live such a luxurious lives”.

He said Herbayar Mari had spent time in a London jail and was released after Rehman Malik’s efforts.
When asked to comment on excesses with Baloch, Mr Mari said it was beyond any doubt that excesses were committed not other than Baloch Sardars who ruled the province as governors and chife ministers. “I ask them what measures they took for providing basic amenities, education and employment to Baloch people,”. He said Sardars were responsible for injustices as they tried to make Balochis their salves.

He recalls the past and says Nawab Mehrullah Mari, father of famous Baloch leader Khair Bux Mari, didn’t allow British government to open a primary school in his area some 95 years ago. He said the Sardars wanted to keep people away from education.

Answering a question whether Baloch separatists could achieve their goal through US intervention he said: “Even father of this terrorist will not be able to achieve this goal”. We will free people of Balochistan form the shackles of this Sardars and our children would scarify for the integrity of Pakistan.
He also denied that any military operation was going on in the province. Mari said India was funneling arms and money to terrorists in Dera Murad Jamali, Sibbi, Kohlu and Makran   through Afghanistan.

< The News Tribe >

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Sibi Mela 2011

Sibi Mela, which is also known as ‘Jashn-e-Sibi’, was held at Sibi in Balochistan recently under the supervision of Deputy Commissioner, Sibi Division, Naseer Ahmad Nasir. Sibi is the second largest and historical city of Balochistan; similarly Sibi Mela also has historical background. It is not only a festival for the entertainment or celebration of new season (arrival of spring) but it also generates economic activity i.e. sale and purchase of valuable livestock.

In fact, this event generates an economic activity of approximately Rs 200 million each year. Moreover, Sibi Mela consists of agricultural and industrial exhibition, programmes of Children Academy, Balochistan, circus, fireworks, Horse and Cattle Show, musical nights, movies on mobile cinemas and cultural performances.

Akhter Mengal’s conditions for talks with Government

The BNP President, Sardar Akhtar Jan Mengal, has demanded immediate withdrawal of combat troops from Balochistan, an end to the custodial killing of political opponents and release of all missing persons in custody of the Government functionaries, police or other security agencies. Only after this, he and his party colleagues will consider holding talks with the Government normalizing situation in Balochistan.

 It is natural that no Baloch nationalist will hold talks under the prevailing conditions, particularly when the detained people are killed in custody. There should be an improvement in the situation and a better and congenial atmosphere should be created for talks finding solutions to the Baloch conflict. We have been saying the same for the past many years and suggested to the Government to create a proper political climate in Balochistan for holding meaningful talks or restoring normalcy. Besides Government functionaries, officers from the defence forces, no political leader worth the name is supporting the policies of the Government in Balochistan. Even the President of Pakistan offered no comments on Balochistan situation!

 The allies of the Government had condemned the target killing by the functionaries and custodial killing of political opponents. In a way, the Government and the entire state apparatus is completely isolated on this issue and being criticized from all corners, including the allies of the coalition Governments at the Centre and in the Province of Balochistan. The Senate Functional Committee had gone a step further asking the Government to stop treating Baloch political opponents as enemies of Pakistan. In such a case, they will definitely look towards other countries for help, the Committee argued. Thus the demands from the BNP President are just and legitimate and without fulfilling those conditions, it is nearly impossible that any one will come forward and hold talks with the Government or attend the All Parties Conference proposed by the Prime Minister.

We hope that the Prime Minister will announce certain measures before holding the APC or inviting the stake holders from Balochistan to sort out political and constitutional issues of Balochistan. The Baloch conflict has nothing to do with the so-called sense of deprivation, a term hated and deeply resented by the Baloch nationalists. Backwardness is rampant in Balochistan for more than two thousands years. It is not new or discovery by the Pakistani rulers. They are rightly demanding their political and constitutional rights for which they are protesting against the hostile policies of the Federal Government.


Tareekh Shahid hia By Sami Ullah Malik

We know the security forces work is not ideal in Balochistan, in this column Mr Sami Ullah Mailik describing the faults and short-comings of Provisional govt, How they fail to control the situation: