
Wednesday 29 January 2014

Four people were killed and 65 injured in BRA attack on Train

Four people were killed and 65 injured on Friday when a passenger train derailed following a bomb explosion on its tracks in southern Punjab. The Baloch Republican Army (BRA) claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Khushaal Khan Khattak Express – which was en route to Karachi from Peshawar – was chugging past the rural area of Omar Kot, in Rojhan sub-district of Rajanpur, when the attack took place, officials said.
A timed device planted on the track went off moments after the locomotive crossed it. All seven wagons, carrying around 400 passengers, derailed and four of the wagons fell into a nearby nala.

Railways Minister Khwaja Saad Rafique ordered an inquiry into the incident and announced Rs500,000 compensation for heirs of each of the dead and Rs100,000 for each injured.

BRA spokesperson Arbaz Khan claimed responsibility for the attack.

< Express Tribune >

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