
Monday 11 August 2014

World Bank to provide Rs 10.57 million to Balochistan Anti-Corruption Dept

QUETTA: The World Bank under its Governance Support Project will provide Rs 10.57 million assistance to the Anti-Corruption Department of Balochistan, official sources said on Friday.

Mohammad Zaman Khan, Project Director Governance Support Program has signed an agreement with Noor Bashar Sami, Director Anti-Corruption Department of Balochistan here. The assistance aims at providing latest technology to the Anti-Corruption Department, capacity building of the staff and financial aid. The step would help ensure good governance and ending corruption from the society. Under the project to be completed under the supervision of World Bank call centres would be established so that citizen’s complainants against the corruption could be tackled effectively.

A website in this connection would be established to provide forum to the citizens for lodging their online complaints. Apart from this, media campaign would be launched to create awareness about corruption. The project would also focus on the formation of inter-provincial coordination forum in order to implement on the success stories and experiences of other provinces.

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