Friday 20 April 2012

Baloch Vs Baloch: BLF militants killed Gulab Baloch

Militants belonging to the Baloch Liberation Front on April 10 gunned down a court clerk who worked for the Anti-terrorism Court in Turbat, reliable soucres told this correspondent on phone from Mekran.

The victim was idenitied as Gulab Baloch, 35.

The B.L.F. accused the victim of being a government informer and owned responsibilty for the killing. The B.L.F. also gunned down four common Baloch from Gwadar area who had come to Turbat for hunting in March.

The victims were identifed as Nasir Baloch, Munir Dost, Obaiduk Baloch and Abdul Baloch. Meanwhile, one of the main founders of the B.L.F. Sattar Baloch, who later defected and launched the Baloch National Liberation Front, condemned the cowardly killings of Gulab Baloch and the four Baloch civlians from Gwadar.

<Mustikhan Reporting>

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