Monday 23 April 2012

BUITEMS becomes the 4th best university of Pakistan

File Photo: Convocation of BUITEMS Quetta

Rawalpindi—The Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS) Quetta has clinched fourth position among top ranking universities of the country in Computer Science and Information Technology. This achievement is a major leap forward in BUITEMS’s journey towards attainment of quality and excellence in the higher education sector, as per the data recently released by the Higher Education Commission.

This brings the university one step closer to achieving the international ranking setting world-class standards of educational excellence. BUITEMS Quetta a premier public sector university in Balochistan is pioneering and providing education in the emerging fields of information and Communication Technology, Life Science and Information Engineering, Business Management, Arts and Basic Science and Social Science since 2002, said Vice Chancellor BUITEMS Engr Ahmed Farooq Bazai said in an interview with APP here Sunday.

“Since the ranking was based on the QS World Universities Ranking Model, we see a strong possibility that your university may also quality amongst the world leading universities in the QS ranking. I would therefore, strongly urge you to participate in these ranking so that more Pakistani Universities including yours listed among the best university in the world,” a recent letter written to Vice Chancellor of BUITEMS by Dr Javaid Leghari, Chairman HEC read.

The university has been creating opportunities from meeting the contemporary needs of higher education to face social and technological challenges, Engr Bazai said. The university is playing a vital role for the promotion of quality education in the region with its dynamic team exhibited through its students, teachers and administration. BUITEMS has also been registered.

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