Thursday 20 February 2014

EU funded ‘Balochistan Community Development Program’ launched

Thursday - Zhob—Balochistan Rural Support Program (BRSP) launched its new project entitled “Balochistan Community Development Program” funded by European Union here on Wednesday. The launching ceremony held at Assembly hall.

Deputy Commissioner Zhob Nazar Muhammad Khetran was the chief guest of the ceremony. Ex-Nazim Molavi Habib ur Rehman, ADC Taj Muhammad Hariphal, Deputy Director Livestock Dr. Baha ul Haq Mandokhail, DHO Dr. Muhammad Shah, Chief Officer Abdul Qadir Tarakai, DDO Education Wazir Khan Nasar, members non-governmental organizations, civil society, media and social figures in a larger number attended the ceremony.

Addressing on the occasion Senior Manager Niamat Jan Miryani, District Program Manager Allah Dad Nasar and CSO Qutab Khan Mandokhail said that the aim and objective of the 36-month “Balochistan Community Development Program (BCDP)” project is to support the Government of Pakistan in reducing the negative impact of economic deprivation, poverty and social inequality and to turn this into opportunities to build and empower resilient communities that participate actively in development activities.

“The projected is initiated in the four focused districts Zhob – UC Badinzai, UC Omza Wyala, UC Garda Babar, UC Hassanzai, UC Sheghalo, Loralai, Jhal Magsi and Khuzdar districts”. They said.

They further said that BRSP has a proven track record spanning over a period of two decades of development programming in Balochistan.

The organization has been working closely with key government and civil society stakeholders on a range of initiatives including relief and recovery, public health, economic development and youth interventions in 23 districts of the province.

Responding to the 2007, 2010, 2011, and 2012 floods, and the 2008 earthquake, BRSP served over 2.4 million people in Balochistan through community and public infrastructure rehabilitation, livelihoods recovery, water and sanitation, primary health care, reproductive health, protection, gender & advocacy and youth issues while addressing DRR factors. They added.Deputy Commissioner Nazar Muhammad Khetran while addressing said “BRSP is the sole organization, which is struggling to improve the lives of the people in remote and backward areas of the province”. He appreciated.

Ex-Nazim Molavi Habib ur Rehman also appreciated the services of the organization and said that the newly launched project would help to minimize difficulties of poor communities in for-flung areas. Religious scholar hoped.

< Pakistan Observer >

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